Our Credentials
So you get a better understanding of who we work with, here's a small selection of some of our engagements.
Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change
This book shows how to plan a consulting intervention, from diagnosing what change is needed and identifying risks to ensuring ethical practice and demonstrating value.
It provides global case studies and perspectives from internal and external consultants across a range of consultancies, from the 'Big Four' to boutique firms.Positives Denken von A-Z
So nutzen Sie die Kraft des Wortes um Ihr Leben zu ändern (Published in German language – The A-Z of Positive Thinking)
By using these tools and strategies in this book, you will be able to choose the words you use and help you gain more control over your own character and fate.
'Take action and start moving yourself and others towards a more positive and better quality of life' -
Peter Gerlach interviews Vera F. Birkenbihl Live on Leadership and Motivation -1-
Format: DVD
Language: English
No of Discs: 1
Region: 2 (Europe only)
Run Time: approx. 30 minutesYour Investment: Only € 13.00
(Inclusive Tax, FREE postage and packing to anywhere in the world and personally signed by Peter)Peter Gerlach interviews Vera F. Birkenbihl Live on Leadership and Motivation -2-
Format: DVD
Language: English
No of Discs: 1
Region: 2 (Europe only)
Run Time: approx. 30 minutesYour Investment: Only € 13.00
(Inclusive Tax, FREE postage and packing to anywhere in the world and personally signed by Peter) -
Peter Gerlach interviews Vera F Birkenbihl on Motivation and Leadership Part 1
Peter Gerlach interviews the 'Grand Dame of Management', Vera F. Birkenbihl on Motivation and Leadership - Part 1.
Peter Gerlach interviews Vera F Birkenbihl on Motivation and Leadership Part 2
Peter Gerlach interviews the 'Grand Dame of Management' Vera F. Birkenbihl on Motivation and Leadership. Part 2
Peter Gerlach on Recruitment
Peter Gerlach shares with you one of the top three recruitment strategies to build a successful and sustainable high performance organisational culture.
Peter Gerlach comments on John C. Bogle's book "Enough."
John C. Bogle, an investor, business magnate, and philanthropist wrote a book called “Enough”. Peter Gerlach comments on his summary:
Too much cost, not enough value;
Too much speculation, not enough investment; Too much complexity, not enough simplicity; Too much counting, not enough trust; Too much business conduct, not enough professional conduct; Too much salesmanship, not enough stewardship; Too much management, not enough leadership; Too much focus on things, not enough focus on commitment; Too many 21st Century values, not enough 18th Century values; Too much “success”, not enough character. -
Solution Selling is Evolving
An except from an article: The International Journal of Sales Transformation, November 20, 2016/Issue 2.4
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Artikel geschrieben von Peter Gerlach für die enerson AG in Bezug auf Kooperation.
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Weitere Infos gerne auf PeterGerlach.com, sowie Enerson.de. -
White Papers
Consultative Selling is outdated
Consultative Selling is Outdated and no Longer Adds Value to B2B Organisations.
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By Peter Gerlach, MBA